Assignment Instructions

To start your assignment, read the workplace scenarios below and choose your first, second and third choices for a project you would like to work on.

As part of your final mark for this course, you will need to work on a group assignment that you will present during the last day of the class.

Your group’s goal is to create a detailed plan for a project. The project that you have in mind can take any form. Some project examples include a set of workshops, a quarterly newsletter, a mini course, lunch-hour training events, etc.

It can be anything that you confidently feel will help solve the issue in the workplace scenario of your group. Keep in mind that the project must be a realistic project that your group would be able to successfully create and implement if you were given one year to work on it together.

Your group will have 5 – 10 minutes to present a detailed project plan for your creation. During your presentation each person in the group would need to speak for an equal amount of time.

The rubric below highlights the points on which your project plan and your presentations will be marked.

The assignment consists of the following parts:

  • The Project Plan
  • Presentation: Our Project Plan