Whenever you have completed any public speaking, think about and ask yourself these questions to help you improve your skills.
I feel I spoke too slowly / too quickly / just right.
The tone of my was too high / too low / just right.
Did I speak loudly enough for the audience to hear me?
Did I speak with feeling and emotion?
Did I look at my audience?
Did I turn my back on the audience?
Did my opening explain how my part of the presentation is linked to the others?
Did I use interesting visual support and images?
Did I have conclusion at the end of my part of the presentation?
Discuss the following questions with a partner:
- Why is it important to think about how you use your voice?
- How does your voice affect your audience?
- Is there a thing such as “bad body language” when doing a presentation?
- Can you think of some examples?
- Why is it important to use visual aids during a presentation?
- What else do you think is important to consider when doing a public presentation?